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Namyanka's founder and director - Minister Laurene M. Walker-Blake, Ed.D., is from St. Louis, Missouri. She is a licensed clinical social worker, ordained minister, and a graduate of the School of the Prophets from The Apostolic Prophetic Connection. She holds a masters degree in social work and doctorate in Christian Education. She studied dance at the Katherine Dunham School of Performing Arts in East St. Louis, Illinois.
She has been a member of the St. Louis Black Repertory Company, several performing arts group, the Baltimore Symphony Chorus. Minister Blake has also served as a praise and worship leader, a psalmist, in drama ministry, and taught in a local Bible College. She uses all of her God given talents to make Namyanka a place of learning, encouragement, service, and love for God.
She is a recipient of a US Congressional Service award, a member of them National Liturgical Dance Network, National Association of Christian Social Workers, The Apostolic Prophetic Connection, and the Women’s Penwriter’s Association. She has written and published a ministry manual for dancers entitled -Dancing for the Lord.
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